Monday 13 June 2022

Hanga - Creativity Empowers Learning

Opportunities for kanohi ki te kanohi as a community of learning have been challenged during the past couple of years. We valued this opportunity to harness the collective creativity of our teachers this afternoon to connect with Create as a vital element of The Manaiakalani Programme. 
"The idea that creativity fosters wellbeing - and as a result improves learning - is backed by a large body of evidence" see recommended reading

Over the past three years our community of learning Create staff meetings have focused on reminding ourselves that creativity can be an opportunity to hook young people, to engage and awaken interest and curiosity. It need not be a Peter Jackson Production 😉
Plus we know opportunities to behaviourally engage our young people can be enhanced with digital technologies the ability to create with our heart, body and mind is not new.  
Thanks to teachers who have shared workshop resources online 

Wednesday 8 June 2022

The Manaiakalani Kawa of Care

Being Cybersmart
The Manaiakalani  Kawa of Care has been co-constructed between schools and whānau. This agreement covers the responsibilities of students, parents and schools. It ensures that students will get the best use of their device during their time on the programme, and that schools and families understand how they can best care for the devices.  

Being Cybersmart provides an authentic context for our young people to connect with  the elements of the Kawa of Care as a lived experience.  

Cybersmart learning is designed to engage our young people in online behaviour and thinking that elevates positive actions and the use of positive language, digital media and texts. 

How are you empowering your learners to connect with elements of the Kawa of Care and responsible use agreement? 

We recommend teachers take time to familiarise themselves with the Kawa of Care and identify how best they can empower their learners to make connections with  being Cybersmart.  
  • Take time to familiarise yourself with the elements of the Kawa of Care of your school or cluster.

  • Be cognisant of the vocabulary you are using to describe being a cybersmart learner e.g.

  • Be consistent when using cybersmart vocabulary and empower your learners to do the same.
  • Focus on elevating the positive i.e. korero that describes/highlights what we would see and hear from cybersmart learners.