Monday, 4 July 2011

@myen - archiving my tweets on the run

Posting in response to a question from @JoBrodie: How did you set up the Twitter archive in Evernote?

Twitter is dynamic and typically I don't save tweets rather the links and resources, recommended by my PLN are saved to Delicious.  Sometimes I favourite a tweet in Twitter (although not a great solution for sharing and categorising to revisit later)

There are tools for archiving tweets  however I was looking for a way to collate specific tweets from an event so I could save quickly and share them later. I decided to try using EverNote by syncing my account with Twitter. 

At events like EduCampNZ  the Twitter #tag is an effective way for participants to share with each other as well as those who are attending virtually.

During EduCampTaiTokerau I followed #EduCampTT . Any tweets I wanted to keep were either re-tweeted (RT) with @myen included in the tweet or I sent a direct message (DM) to @myen

Each tweet was saved in a new Evernote notebook, so I did have to copy and paste them into one notebook to share. It would be ideal if the tweets could be saved to a single notebook or online document for sharing. Any suggestions, please let me know.

This worked for me as EduCampNZ events are fast and furious and I was able to respond on the spot to a tweet, saving them in one place, to review later.

Here's how from the Evernote blog:

Friday, 1 July 2011

EduCampNZ: Interface Magazine, July 2011

Click to view pdf.

Thanks to Interface Magazine for sharing EduCampNZ story in their latest issue.

Looking forward to EduCampTaiTokerau tomorrow, check the wiki for details or follow #EduCampTT

"EduCampWelly was about wanting to be there, it's self directed and personal"